Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Your thoughts . . . ?

Intercultural Competence in the Workplace: Assessing Culture in Context . . .

"What are some of the key differences between the cultures of East and West, and how can we balance them without shaking the values and foundations these cultures are based upon?"

1 comment:

  1. Eastern cultures may have tendencies to be modest, subtle, verbally restrained, conflict avoidant, and family/group oriented, with emphasis on respect for age, position, experience, and educational achievement. They also value the development of a long-term perspective to get an understanding of the entire picture.

    Western cultures may be likely to be more direct/assertive and self-oriented, with emphasis on individualism and self-expression as well as punctuality. They may tend to be more detail oriented with value placed on quickly establishing business arrangements based on outcome analysis.

    To create balance on both sides without upsetting cultural values it is necessary to understand the emotional and cultural intelligence required to properly communicate information and expectations, while respecting everyone’s point of view. Long-term success is predicated on taking the time required to methodically and carefully develop enduring business relationships and friendships.

